Successful internships are a key component of the BBA programme. This course will take students from their arrival on campus through to the successful completion of their first internship. The students attend a series of workshops focused on developing the skills and qualities necessary to acquire, embark on and complete their internship. From managing their physical and digital professional presence to developing an understanding of industry needs and expectations, the Career Development and Internship Placement team will equip students to begin their professional journey.


This online internship project is completed during the first internship and provides an opportunity for the student to use and reflect on the practical knowledge and skills acquired during their first semester and apply them in a workplace environment. Students will link their experiences acquired in school with themes and resources from their practical arts courses, observing and evaluating the similarities and differences in between learning and real-world application. As part of their reflection, they will consider organisational structure and efficiency as well as collaboration and teamwork.